
Volunteering At CARAD

The Clock is Ticking on TimeScape Rhayader

Come down to make your own mark on our new visitor attraction, and be a part of Rhayader’s history! Any time you can spare would be much appreciated, particularly if you are interested in being one of our local experts – sitting in the exhibition space, supporting visitors to learn and enjoy Rhayader’s rich heritage.

Training, biscuits and laughter supplied!

CARAD is a volunteer led organisation, supported by part time admin, finance and project staff. Please get in touch if you would like to join our team.

We believe arts and heritage belong together. Local people created this charity for our community – to use the arts to communicate, record and celebrate their heritage and stories.

We offer opportunities for all to get involved!

There are volunteer roles to suit many interests, and abilities. help will be invaluable to us whether you have an hour or a day to spare then please do get in contact. We are a friendly, welcoming team where the kettle is always on.

Get In Touch on Social Media or email to have a chat about what we can offer...

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