
Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Women

Video Coming Soon!

Jay Griffiths
Christine Watkins
Meltem Arikan
Kate Green
Kate Hart

Themed Drinks Menu

We felt very lucky to work with so many incredible and inspirational people to celebrate the lives of local women and the contributions they have made to local culture…

Meltem Arikan was interviewed about her incredible life as a Turkish-Welsh autistic feminist writer in exile,

Jay Griffiths shared a piece paying homage to two incredible teenage girls in the climate justice movement and a goddess who is made up of both the past and the future,

Christine Watkins told stories of rivers and the land they flow through and over and under, and all who flow with them, including the activist and wild swimmer Angela Jones,

Kate Green sang songs that made us all laugh, and another one that made us all cry, and mixed them with workds that made us all think,

And Kate Hart introduced us to Emmeline Lewis-Lloyd, back in Rhayader for one night only and very keen to tell us of her travels and exploits up mountains and over seas, a hundred years ago…

Massive thanks as well to the Events team of Rosie Slay (Elan Links) and Aster Woods (CARAD) for organising the event, Jimmy Tutti and Little Welsh Kitchen for keeping us fed, watered and perhaps a little tipsy, Peter Cox and Harry who rigged and mixed the sound and lighting program, Tim for filming and taking pictures, and everyone else who came, enjoyed, shared and celebrated.

Local Womens History Exhibition

The Exhibition included writing from people living locally, reflecting on what womanhood meant to them. The responses were as diverse as the people who gave them – and can be read here. 

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