Dragon Festival: Dragon Festival takes place during the Autumn half term, generally at the end of October. It usually coincides with the Welsh Museums Festival. Many town businesses and organisations take part providing themed activities or services, CARAD – TimeScape holds a family day and other activities during that week.

Dragon Club & free printable activities – See resources.

youth group

BBC Gardener’s World Live Gardens / Savage Garden

Held in Birmingham NEC over several years. CARAD built community designed gardens, the last of which won a silver gilt medal.

The design featured a large copper dragon sculpture, created by the community and now displayed in TimeScape Rhayader.

Royal Welsh Centenary Cavalcade

In 2004, our gigante puppets dressed as Farmers Jack and Jill led the Centenary Cavalcade, a huge procession featuring the work of the RWS over the years. The Dragon ended the procession and rose up on a telehandler to unfurling the Welsh colours in front of the Royal stand.

Dragons and Dinosaurs family day poster. 

An example of many themed family activity days.

dragon outreach event

Dragon at MAC Birmingham outreach event

As part of our fundraising for the new museum in 2006 and a rekindling of links with Birmingham, a group of volunteers took the Dragon to the Midlands Arts Centre.


For many years, CARAD entered large community made floats. Later, the Dragon appeared in the Carnival procession with themed attendants.